direct mailer

Direct Mailer

Product Design. Branding
Project Description

The project is a design to support the intimate, art community within the Sol Studio. The newsletter details the upcoming events, highlights a monthly artist and shares the ongoing community engagement within the studio walls. The design should be appealing, inviting and eventful in order to engage the readers who will be most interested in the subject from a hobbyist to an experienced artist.

Target Audience

The audience for the project are the current and prospective members of the Sol Studio, published bimonthly. The readership of the newsletter is primarily the registered customers and studio members. The typical reader is an individual aged 19-65, upper-middle to proper income, with a bachelor’s or higher, currently or formerly employed in the arts or education. Readers fall into both gender categories adhering to a wide range of cultural and ethnic backgrounds. They live within the local community of San Diego and enjoy being part of the community, while growing and sharing artistic ideas and practices.


The newsletter design will give Sol Studio a fresh, modern and clean appeal. It will attract more artists and keep current residents and customers interested about all of the exciting occurrence. The opening image of hands forming pottery will speak to the artist that wants to create art using the pottery wheel. The image located directly below it, will align with the studio artists that want to produce art in a expansive and clean studio area. The image layout on the first page will instantly draw in the targeted audience while engaging them within the community by simply turning the page.