

Logo Design
Project Description

Sol Studio offers classes, sells supplies and rents out space to practicing artists. Creating art can be a lonely world, but with Sol Studio the consumer can feel at home. The layout of the design highlights the heart in the package, creating an emphasis on the love and compassion that this studio has for the arts.

Target Audience

The letterhead and business card are simple designs that communicates all of the pertinent information, keeping the design crisp and fresh. This minimal design appeals to the appetitites of independent artists, artists that want to embrace the community and have passion for their select medium. They will be in the age group of 20 with an open mind and willingness to be a part of the community.


The design is minimal and emphasizes the heart in the center of the studio. The heart from the logo is prominently displayed on the envelope. This is in order to emphasize the main focus of the studio. The simple composition and minimal use of colors are designed to appeal to the targeted audience. This design will give Sol Studio a fresh and modern look.

sol studio logo
sol studio logo

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